Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rainy Season

Last night we were awoken by a load crack and then the sounds of the most intense down pour I have ever witnessed. The doors leading to the outside of the house started banging from the wind. At first it was a little frightening but when I felt the cool breeze trough the window I welcomed the rain. I only wish we hadn't left out clothes to dry outside on the line overnight. When we checked them in the morning them were luckily still there, but they were more soaked then when we washed them. This is what they call the beginning of rainy season in Cameroon. As a result of last night today is much cooler. I would be happy if it rained every night. I should be careful for what I wish for though because apparently there is a period where it rains for 10 days straight... day and night.



gooma said...

It is Gooma. Sooo exciting. Glad & relieved to read your letters. just great.

Anonymous said...

Hello Hayley!!
Greetings from Purchase NY
I am very glad to hear from you and that you made it safely. From the sounds of the blog so far you've already had an ADVENTURE
Take care! LD