Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One Month

We have offically been away for a whole month now. Bamenda is much cooler than Limbe, there is a nice breeze. However, it is a little harder to get around Bamenda by ourselves than it was in Limbe. Luckily Christopher and his children have been so nice to us and have been taking us around. He has a 22 year old neice, Susie, who lives with him and then a 12 year son and 5 year old daughter. We didnt realize we were living with Royalty either! Christopher is the son of the Fon (chief of a village)and Susie is the daughter of a Fon as well (different village) so she is technically a princess. They do not make a big deal about it here in Africa though, because Fons have many wives and therefore tons of children so there are many many princes and princesses. Susie really does carry herself like she is a princess and not at all in a concieted proud way, just in a regal lady-like way. She is so nice and sweet and she is also a wonderful cook! On Sunday she took us to Bafut Botanical Gardens. Bafut is one of the villages around this area. The Botanical Gardens is really just like a big park. She also has introduced us to Nollywood, Nigerian films, which are hilarous and very entertaining melodramas. Susie loves them.

Next week we are going to head south the Buea to stay at the orphanage run by the Dutch woman, Crystal. We are going to help teach the children English there.

We have finally gotten through the culture shock, but we still miss you all so much and we miss the good old U.S. of A.!!!


Annie Moynihan said...

Hi Guys:
I just wanted to say hello. It sounds like you two are seeing a lot of Cameroon. Didn't you see any wildlife yet?
Brady is great. She will probably get a bath this week. Her and Harley are getting along fine. I think he will miss her when she goes home.
I better go. I have Warden's too!
Love, Annie

Anonymous said...

sounds exciting... have fun.. be safe.. can't wait to see you love you
erin rose <3333

Anonymous said...

There's no place like home!