Monday, May 4, 2009

Labour Day

Cameroon has Labor Day too. It was this past Friday and it's a national holiday so everyone has off from work and school. Limbe had a parade and all the workers from the various different companies and businesses march. Each company has there own African material which is very colorful and has the name of the companies on it and then the workers have dresses and suits made from the material. So in a way everyone matches but still everyone is wearing a different style. The streets were very lively. We went to get omlettes at Bola's (a small street cafe). We happened to meet this very nice guy from the Peace Corp who is from New Jersey! He was with two Irish friends. They were so nice and helpful. Brian the guy from Jersey has been living in Cameroon for 3 years! He told us some good weekend activities we could do so we ended up going to the beach for the rest of Labour Day and then on Saturday we climbed Mt Cameroon the tallest peak in West Africa!



BERN said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYLEY !!!!! Miss You guys - Hope you're having fun -
Can't wait till you're home safe.

Joan said...

Hello guys. HAYLEY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wish you were here,but I hope you have a great day! glad to hear things are going better.Hopefully they stay that way.Take care. Love Ya

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Hayley Joan. We love you, will celebrate when you get home, a happy day. All's well here. Kathy, everyone in choir asking for you. Is it OK if a couple have your blog ? Angelo back, surprised at where you are. He's looking good, says he's ok. Take care of yourselves. Love you much. Goom.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my sweets!! Been thinking 'bout you and Kacky <3 Miss you mucho!!! Be glad your missing the swine flu... hahah. Love you babycakes! ~Samn

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Hayley!!! Stay safe. Watch out for your Mother keep her out of trouble.
Love Jill & sean

Anonymous said...

Hey you two sounds like you're figuring things out. Keri and Erin are doing great! Erin passed drivers Ed so when you get back she should have her permit yikees! Keri is getting ready for the play singing and singing. Don't worry we will tape it for you two. It's graet to be able to hear from you keep blogging and be safe.

Love your favorite sister-in-law and non blood Aunt! :)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!
hope everything is going well ... you'll always remember this birthday<33333 & helooo aunt kathy hope everything is gooing goood liss you guys... i'm praying everyday =].... omg guess what me joan and bern are taking this crazy cake decorating class lol we gunna be beast at cake making ..... miss you guys can't wait to see you in june... gtg GG is on tonght!!!!!!
you knoe you live me
erin rose

Anonymous said...

it's supsed to be
you know you LOVE me
erin rose
( like gossip girl ) lol
love ya's

Hanorah said...

Happy Birthday Hayley! I'm glad to read that things are finally starting to be a bit easier over there. Don't take any shit! :)

Anonymous said...

So, how was your birthday? I hope it was great. Brady, Harley, and I toasted you with a little steak last night.
Take care and have fun!
Love, Annie

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYLEY, it looks like I missed it by one day.
Let's go to Cheescake Factory to celebrate OR the place/restaurant of your choice!!
Laura D.